Woke to mostly sunny skies. We had a "rolly-polly" night as there were some winds and swell that entered Fossil Bay from the east. Nothing worse than trying to sleep in your bunk and keep from falling out because the boat is rocking from side to side. I had enough of the rocking and the crowds. Rather I suggested that we move on from our plans of staying another day at Sucia and move on to Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island. I said that this put us closer to our route, Prevost Harbor is much more sheltered, and it's not so crowded. I want to get away from all these people. The crew agreed. So we pulled up our anchor at 0850.
The weather is clear with a light breeze from the ESE. After exiting Fossil Bay we made for

We had a light breakfast then all took late morning naps. Why not? We're on "holidays" as the Canadians say. After our naps we decided to hike to the Stuart Island school house. The trail the park wants you to take is a huge round about route - down a steep stair case to Reid Harbor, then across a long beach where you join up with a small county road. Then the road climbs back up a long hill, and winds to the school house. This route adds about 1.5 or more miles one way! Many, many years ago we used to take a more direct route that keeps you on top of the hill and almost directly to the school house. Sure, you leave park land and probably go along on private property, but it sure saves you a lot of time. We took this trail and unfortunately I tripped on a branch and hit the ground with a thud. I definitely bruised a rib, if I didn't break it, with this fall. However, we still made it to the school house.

We then finished our hike and returned to the boat for supper. I grilled a couple of brats and made a nice German potato salad. It was a beautiful evening. Unfortunately I didn't feel good from my fall and couldn't seem to get warm. My rib (on my lower left side) definitely hurt when I coughed or laid down on it. Ugh.
Stats: 14.0 nm, average speed 6.1 knots, running time 2:18, total trip miles 139.6 nm, ending engine hours 5981.4
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