A lazy day. Had a lazy morning. Again I ran the generator to charge the batteries, put a bit of a chill on the refrigerator, and charge some things. We spent the time while the generator was running listening to CD's and reading books. I also checked the engine over for the trip down Georgia Strait tomorrow. All looked good.
Later in the early afternoon we loaded up the Zipper for a trip over to Teakerne Arm and Cassel Lake. The trip over to Teakerne Arm wasn't too bad, there was some wind and chop going up Lewis Channel, but as you made your way into Teakerne Arm it lessened. The dinghy dock at the falls was packed with other boats. The Canadian Coasties took up a whole side of the dinghy dock themselves. We
tied up the Zipper and hiked up to the lake. The day was hot. The lake water was absolutely delicious. Oh my was it refreshing. I swam out to a log and just sat there for what seemed like a really long time just soaking in the warm water and the sun. What's so amazing is how clear the lake water is. Finally Kim came in the water too. Even Hank had some fun splashing about. We kind of got there in between crowds becuase just as we were finishing the place was packed with dogs, kids, and other adults. The trip back to Squirrel Cove was nice since we both felt so refreshed.

We once again returned to the Squirrel Cove store but this time it was to get some "bringsels" - particularly the wonderful Squirrel Cove coffee and some other trinkets. This time they were restocked with some meat and we purchased some pork chops for grilling for supper that evening.
I made our new favorite seasoned pork chops with Vindaloo glaze. Kim made a Greek cous cous. I made a couple of caesars and we sat out on the back deck and had a lovely supper. It was an absolutely gorgeous evening. Sad that its our our last day up here.
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