On Saturday morning the skies were cloudy with a light breeze out of the SW. I untied the MV Independence from its moorings at 10:30 AM and headed N out of Olympia Harbor towards McMicken Is. There was a -2.5 minus tide and the max ebb in Dana Passage was about 9:30 AM, and slack about 12:20 PM. By leaving at 10:30 I could still take advantage of a good ebb out of Budd Inlet and Dana Passage and into Case Inlet. I moved slowly out of the Olympia Harbor to ensure the engine heated up properly. This was my first cruise since last August so I was taking it slow. By the Olympia #3 Day Marker every thing was working perfectly, so brought her up to cruise speed at 1,800 RPM and 6.8 knots. As the Independence worked its way up Budd Inlet and Dana Passage the speed increased at one time reaching 8.5 knots. However, once we reached Pt. Wilson on Hartstine Island the speed had dropped to 6.5 knots. Low tide at McMicken was not until about 1300 so I was still fighting a bit of an ebb coming down Case Inlet. I reached my anchorage just inside McMicken Island at 12:45 PM. I dropped the hook in 30' of water at near low tide.
The SV Mary O'Farrell was still about 45 minutes away. I dropped the dinghy, tied off fenders on the starboard side in preparation for rafting, and opened a cool beer. Just as I finished the beer, the Mary O'Farrell came 'round the N end of the island. We secured the SV Mary O'Farrell and then went off to the beach - the dog had to pee. The day turned out to be absolutely gorgeous - not a cloud in the sky and warm.
After our beach excursion we came back opened a few beers, had some chips and salsa, and started to slowly prepare for dinner. I had decided to make a Carribean jerk chicken for dinner. I had switched from beer to a nice smooth Scotch. I cooked the chicken low and slow and it came out oh so good and not too spicey. Not too long after dinner we all called it a day.
As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

Woke to cloudy threatening skies and a light SW breeze. I took the dog to the beach and then came back to make breakfast - a nice traditional corned beef hash. Oh my it was oh so good. It was quickly devoured by all. Shortly thereafter the SV Mary O'Farrell departed an headed back to port. The Independence crew decided to clean up a bit, sip some more coffee, read a bit, and then pull up anchor at 13:00. We took advantage of the flood current all the way back to Olympia. Just by Olympia Shoal we saw the tall ships Hawaiian Chieftain and Lady Washington. We pulled in to our slip at 15:15. A good simple cruise.
Here's some statistics 36.7 nm, average speed was 7.6 knots, and total time was 4:31.